Lowest Rate Guarantee: We guarantee that every LOYALGUEST.COM Member Rate reservation booked through a LOYALGUEST.COM affiliated hotel web site will have the lowest room price (room rate) or total room cost (including all taxes and fees) publicly available on the Internet. If you find a lower room price (room rate) and total room cost (including all taxes and fees) publicly available on the Internet on a non-LOYALGUEST.COM affiliated website within 24 hours of booking, and if we verify your claim, we will honor the lower price for each nigh of your stay, subject to the following terms and conditions:
Complete a valid room booking with the lowest available price (room rate) on any LOYALGUEST.COM website for any LOYALGUEST.COM affiliated hotel using the “Best Available Rate Search.” A “valid room booking” means a complete booking with a valid form of payment
If you find a lower room price that also has a lower total room cost (including taxes and fees) for a one-night stay, or a lower average nightly room price that also has a lower average total room cost (including all taxes and fees) for a multi-night stay, on a non-LOYALGUEST.COM website within 24 hours after booking on an LOYALGUEST.COM affiliated website or partner hotel official website for the same stay, we will honor the lower price for each night of your stay.
You must contact us using the online claim form within twenty-four (24) hours after completing your valid room booking on any LOYALGUEST.COM website to make a claim under the Lowest Rate Guarantee. In addition, the claim must be submitted at least twenty-four (24) hours prior to the standard check-in time at the applicable LOYALGUEST.COM hotel. The average nightly lower room price and lower total room cost must be available for booking at the time of claim verification and both must be lower than those found on an LOYALGUEST.COM website, as determined by LOYALGUEST.COM customer service representatives, and in LOYALGUEST.COM’s sole discretion.
The Guarantee is available only for the exact same room type and same view. For example, if you book a king bed with a sofa bed room type and with a] view (e.g., ocean) on an LOYALGUEST.COM website, and are comparing it to a non-LOYALGUEST.COM website, you must find a price with the same king bed with sofa bed room type and with a the same view on the non-LOYALGUEST.COM website.
All terms of the comparison room reservation, including, but not limited to pre-payment, deposit, number of guests, or other requirements must be equal in all respects to the terms found on an LOYALGUEST.COM website for your claim to be valid. For example, when you book a room that may be cancelled without penalty on an LOYALGUEST.COM website, you may not compare it to a room with a pre-paid or non-refundable price on a non-LOYALGUEST.COM website. At all LOYALGUEST.COM hotels globally, pre-paid rates on non-LOYALGUEST.COM sites will be compared with the LOYALGUEST.COM hotel's lowest available rate on LOYALGUEST.COM websites. The Guarantee is not available for bookings on websites where the booking details are unknown until after purchase. Sites that do not reveal the hotel brand name until after the payment has been completed (including bidding sites) do not qualify for this Guarantee.
For multi-night stays, the Guarantee compares the average nightly room price and the average nightly total room cost for your valid room booking with those found on a non-LOYALGUEST.COM website.
The currency of the hotel controls the comparison with the room price and the total room cost on the non-LOYALGUEST.COM website, and the room price and the total room cost on the non-LOYALGUEST.COM website must be available, viewable, quoted, booked, and paid for in the currency of the hotel.
The nightly room price and the nightly total room cost (for one night stays) or the average nightly room price and the average nightly total room cost (for multi-night stays) must each be lower than the LOYALGUEST.COM room price and the LOYALGUEST.COM total room cost, respectively, by at least 1% or $1 USD (or the equivalent in the hotel’s currency) (whichever is higher). Coupons or vouchers may not be utilized to lower published room prices for the purposes of making a claim.
The Lowest Rate Guarantee applies only to prices both advertised and available to the general public on a non-LOYALGUEST.COM website at the time of verification. The Guarantee does not apply to prices offered on membership program websites; corporate discounts; negotiated prices; group, rewards program, loyalty program, incentive, meeting, convention, consolidator or interline prices; prices obtained via auction or similar process; or prices available only by using a coupon or other promotion not offered to the general public. The Guarantee also does not apply if the average nightly lower price is obtained from a website where you call to get the price, or from an e-mail that you received.
The Guarantee applies to comparing exactly the same packages or inclusive prices with the same included items. Thus, room prices that include food or beverage items such as breakfast or dinner, entertainment items such as tickets to a show, and/or free local calls, parking or other bundled items will be considered as packages, and must be entirely equivalent to be eligible for the Guarantee.
LOYALGUEST® Rewards points are determined based on the price actually paid by the guest at the time of check out, assuming the price otherwise qualifies for points. Points are not awarded on free nights.
Once a valid claim has been made and approved by LOYALGUEST.COM for a specific date, no further claims by the same person or anyone in the same household will be accepted for the same date. If an individual or members of the same household make multiple claims for two or more nights in the same fourteen (14) day period at the same LOYALGUEST.COM hotel or at different LOYALGUEST.COM hotels within fifty (50) miles of each other, the claims will be treated as, and limited to, one claim for one stay, even if booked through more than one reservation, and only the Lowest Rate Guarantee claim for the first night will be honored. In the event of a valid claim, reservations are non-transferable after the claim is found to be valid, and the name on the reservation must remain the same as when the claim is verified and no additional names may be added to the reservation after the claim is found to be valid. Valid government issued ID is required upon check-in that matches the name found on the reservation. Employees of any LOYALGUEST.COM company or employees at any LOYALGUEST.COM partner hotel are not eligible for the Lowest Rate Guarantee.
LOYALGUEST.COM must be able to verify all elements of the claim and the required terms found on the non-LOYALGUEST.COM website at the time the claim is processed and verify that both the room price and the total room cost at the time of verification are lower than those found on the LOYALGUEST.COM website. LOYALGUEST.COM does not accept screen shots of imagery of lower prices provided by guests due to the ease of modification or alteration of such imagery.
LOYALGUEST.COM reserves the right to modify, restrict availability, or discontinue the Lowest Rate Guarantee and to make changes to these Terms and Conditions, at any time, for any or no reason, and without prior notice or liability to you. The LOYALGUEST.COM Lowest Rate Guarantee Terms and Conditions that are in effect at the time of your booking will determine your eligibility under the Lowest Rate Guarantee.
At any time up to the date of stay, LOYALGUEST.COM reserves the right to revoke any and all benefits of a Guarantee (including the right to cancel a previously awarded free night and the lower prices for the rest of the nights of a multi-night reservation if it is found that a customer has attempted to or has violated or circumvented the Lowest Rate Guarantee Terms & Conditions. Resale of rooms eligible for the Guarantee is strictly prohibited. In the event LOYALGUEST.COM believes that a room eligible for the Guarantee has been resold, or the Guarantee is otherwise being intentionally abused or manipulated to circumvent its intent, LOYALGUEST.COM reserves the right to reject future Lowest Rate Guarantee claims from any persons who participated in such actions.
A “non-LOYALGUEST.COM Website” is defined as a website not owned by LOYALGUEST.COM or hotel partner, that makes LOYALGUEST.COM rooms inventory publicly available and offers it directly to consumers, and that provides a confirmation of a completed reservation at the moment of completion of that reservation. A “stay” (for purposes of the Guarantee) may be one night; consecutive nights at the same hotel location, regardless of frequency of check-in/check-out; or two or more nights, even if non-consecutive, in the same fourteen (14) day period at the same hotel location.
Any disputes arising out of these Terms and Conditions or the offer of the Lowest Rate Guarantee shall be resolved individually, without resort to class action, Singapore, without regard to conflict of laws principles thereof.